Amicus IT
Our monthly guides are the best way to help you stay on top of your small business IT service needs. Covering a wide variety of topics, these short snippets of useful information truly do have something for everyone.
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Click Here to Download our September Guide. Are you and your team using the same passwords over and over? Are you sharing passwords? How’s that Excel spreadsheet with all your passwords listed (you’re not the only one).? Call us to talk about password managers.
Click Here to Download our September Guide. Email is the number one way a criminal can get into your system. If we stop phishing we can stop a ridiculous amount of cyber crime. Tips and tricks to stop phishing at your firm.
Click Here to Download our August Guide. A couple of years later, you can finally have some great video calls. Tips and tricks to looking and sounding great on a teleconference.
Spam emails. Everyone hates them. It’s not just the emotional pain of clearing spam from your inbox. Having to do that is a real productivity killer, too. A recent report found that each one of your employees could be losing up to 80 hours each year, thanks to filtering and deleting spam emails. That’s a
Click Here to Download our May Guide -Digital Transformation The past couple of years has brought about a TON of changes. The way we work. how we shop. And our social interactions have all transformed. I bet the way you do business has changed? What changes are you planning for in the next few years?
Click Here to Download our December Guide. Big risk one: You’re getting a cheap service rather than a true partnership Big risk two: Your provider is under resourced Big risk three: Your provider is not proactively doing what they should be doing to keep your business and its data protected. This leads to your staff
Click the image to download our October guide below: Ransomware is the scariest data security threat anyone has seen. Imagine everyone trying to login one morning. But instead of their data, they see a bright red screen saying you must pay a huge ransom in Bitcoin to get your data back. Terrifying. Read our October
Download our September guide below:
Most people see Microsoft 365 as the place to access Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. But there’s so much more to it than that. There are so many apps bundled in, that whatever productivity problem you have in your business right now, the answer could be within 365. Get our new guide. And we’ll tell
Now, my team and I are usually the first ones to tell you that good IT doesn’t always mean having the latest devices and equipment. You don’t need to upgrade your laptop each time a newer version is released. A new PC each year won’t make you more productive. That newly released tablet won’t affect
You’ve probably heard a lot about ransomware recently. This is the computer attack where a hacker locks you out of your systems and data. And you must pay a ransom, typically in Bitcoin, to get access again. While it’s not a new crime, it’s one of the fastest growing crimes online. Because it’s so lucrative
Why more and more St. Louis
businesses trust us with their IT
Working with small businesses I grew frustrated with two things.
One: The tools available for Fortune 500 companies were technically and economically out of reach for small businesses.
Two: IT companies servicing small businesses were not responsive to their clients.
Over the years we built relationships with vendors and created an economy-of-scale by bundling our clients’ needs to affordably provide small and medium businesses the same tools available to large enterprises. We use modern tools to prevent and manage as many issues as we can BEFORE they become problems—often even before our clients realize the issues exist.
We are maniacal about customer service. At St. Louis IT we know that even small IT issues can impact your entire operation.
While computer repair companies might look at an issue that affects only one employee as “low priority” and fall back on their contracted response time, we understand that if that single user is under deadline, it might be the most important issue in the company at that time. This is why we typically contact our clients within 15 minutes to talk about the issue they are having and prioritize them appropriately.